Amazon Wishlist
Visit our Amazon Wishlist pages to see a variety of items that are needed for our daily operations. Purchases can be made directly through these lists. We have two Amazon wishlists, one for our main hospital and one for our O‘ahu Satellite.
Included in our Amazon wishlist: centrifuge, reference books, hospital supplies, pet carriers, education supplies, and more
Other Wishlist Items
If you’re stopping by and want to bring something with you, our facility can always make use of gift cards (Costco, Home Depot, Lowes, Ace Hardware, Petco), Dawn dish soap original blue formula, toilet paper, medium or small nitrile gloves, garden gloves, printer paper, sheets/towels/pillowcases (preferably white with no rips or holes), contractor trash bags, scrub brushes, sponges, environmentally friendly HE laundry detergent, simple green disinfectant, bleach, craft clay and art supplies.
Sponsor Larger Items
Donate buttons below sponsor the full price of a wishlist item. If you’d like to make a general donation instead, please visit our donation page.
Patient Air Transport
When we are unable to find a volunteer pilot, neighbor island patients must be flown commercially.
Cost: $75 one-way
Supplies Storage
Large storage boxes to hold hospital and landscaping supplies.
Cost: $150 each, two needed
Folding Tables
Cost: $60 each